Recent Books
Too Much
Tiny Owl Publishing (2022)
Stop The Clock!
Tiny Owl Publishing (2022)
Bandung Institute of Technology. BA in Visual Communication Design (2004 - 2008)
Cambridge School Of Art. MA in Children's Book Illustration (2014 - 2016)
Carnegie Medal for Illustration. Nominated, 2023. Stop The Clock!
Derby Book Festival, Derby Children’s Picture Book Award. Shortlist, 2023. Stop The Clock!
International Board on Books for Young People. Honour List, 2014. Jerry Giraffe and The Giant Butter Cookie
International Board on Books for Young People Honourary Mention for Publisher, 2013. Jerry Giraffe and The Giant Butter Cookie
The Biennial of Illustration Bratislava - UNESCO Albín Brunovský Illustration Workshop. Bratislava, 2011
Anne Booth and Maria Christania, Too Much, ISBN: 978-1910328927, Tiny Owl Publishing, 2023
Pippa Goodhart and Maria Christania, Stop The Clock!, ISBN: 978-1910328811, Tiny Owl Publishing, 2022
Childbase Partnership Team and Maria Christania Winardi, Snowy The Squirrel, hildbase Partnership, 2022 (Internal circulation only, distributed to attending children for free. Not for sale to public).
Childbase Partnership Team and Maria Christania Winardi, Harry Enjoys Nursery Fitness Week, Childbase Partnership, 2022 (Internal circulation only, distributed to attending children for free. Not for sale to public).
Tiny Owl artists, Unlocked, Stories of Hope from Tiny Owl Artists in Lockdown, ISBN: 978-1910328767, Tiny Owl Publishing, 2021
Childbase Partnership Team and Maria Christania Winardi, Hetty The Hedgehog, Childbase Partnership, 2021 (Internal circulation only, distributed to attending children for free. Not for sale to public).
Childbase Partnership Team and Maria Christania Winardi, Shapes with Harry, Childbase Partnership, 2021 (Internal circulation only, distributed to attending children for free. Not for sale to public).
Childbase Partnership Team and Maria Christania Winardi, Behaviour book series: Night, Night, Sleep Tight, Childbase Partnership, 2021 (Internal circulation only, distributed to attending children for free. Not for sale to public).
Childbase Partnership Team and Maria Christania Winardi, Behaviour book series: There’s Something in The Bathroom, Childbase Partnership, 2020 (Internal circulation only, distributed to attending children for free. Not for sale to public).
Childbase Partnership Team and Maria Christania Winardi, Behaviour book series: It Tastes Great, Childbase Partnership, 2020 (Internal circulation only, distributed to attending children for free. Not for sale to public).
Childbase Partnership Team and Maria Christania Winardi, Behaviour book series: That Wasn’t Very Kind, Childbase Partnership, 2020 (Internal circulation only, distributed to attending children for free. Not for sale to public).
Childbase Partnership Team and Maria Christania Winardi, Rocket the Robin, Childbase Partnership, 2020 (Internal circulation only, distributed to attending children for free. Not for sale to public).
Childbase Partnership Team and Maria Christania Winardi, Staying Safe at Nursery, Childbase Partnership, 2020 (Animated Covid19 safety guidance for children - Internal circulation only, distributed to attending children for free. Not for sale to public).
Childbase Partnership Team and Maria Christania Winardi, Where is Harry Hiding, Childbase Partnership, 2020 (Internal circulation only, distributed to attending children for free. Not for sale to public).
Childbase Partnership Team and Maria Christania Winardi, Colour with Harry, Childbase Partnership, 2019 (Internal circulation only, distributed to attending children for free. Not for sale to public).
Childbase Partnership Team and Maria Christania Winardi, Counting with Harry, Childbase Partnership, 2019 (Internal circulation only, distributed to attending children for free. Not for sale to public).
Childbase Partnership Team and Maria Christania Winardi, Harry and the Giant Pumpkin, Childbase Partnership, 2019 (Internal circulation only, distributed to attending children for free. Not for sale to public).
Childbase Partnership Team and Maria Christania Winardi, Harry and the Bug Hotel, Childbase Partnership, 2019 (Internal circulation only, distributed to attending children for free. Not for sale to public).
Watiek Ideo, Nindia Maya and Maria Christania, Pahlawan Kota Kita: Jangan Panik Leon, ISBN: 978-602-06348-0-7, Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2019
Murti Bunanta and Maria Christania, Pesta Musik Dengan Sahabat, ISBN: AS4 00030, Asta Ilmu Sukses, 2019
Watiek Ideo, Nindia Maya and Maria Christania, Dodo yang Rendah Hati, ISBN: 978-602-0628-25-7 Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2019
Watiek Ideo and Maria Christania, Sisi Bilang Terimakasih, ISBN: 978-602-0626–69-7, Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2019
Rilla Melati Bahri and Maria Christania, CindeRilla: Once Upon an Invitation, ISBN: 978-981-11-3185-1, AFCC Publications, 2017
Watiek Ideo et al., Aku Anak yang Berani, Bisa Melindungi Diri Sendiri 2: Gara-gara Terlambat, ISBN: 978-602-0326-78-8, Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2016.
Watiek Ideo et al., Aku Sayang Ibu: Ibuku Super!, ISBN: 978-602-0321-50-9, Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2015.
Wening Chandra and Maria Christania, Hari Pertama Sekolah: Ayo, Berangkat!, ISBN: 978-602- 2498-35-3, Buana Indah Populer, 2015.
Wening Chandra and Maria Christania, Hari Pertama Sekolah: Mama di Mana?, ISBN: 978-602- 2498-34-6, Buana Indah Populer, 2015.
Wening Chandra and Maria C. Winardi, Hari Pertama Sekolah: Jangan Malu, Leo!, ISBN: 978-602- 2498-56-8, Buana Indah Populer, 2015.
Wening Chandra and Maria C. Winardi, Hari Pertama Sekolah: Gogo Mau Berbagi, ISBN: 978-602- 2498-36-0, Buana Indah Populer, 2015.
Wening Chandra and Maria C. Winardi, Hari Pertama Sekolah: Maafkan Nanu, Ya!, ISBN: 978-602- 2498-37-7, Buana Indah Populer, 2015.
Maria C. Winardi, Jerry Giraffe and The Giant Butter Cookie, ISBN:978-602-8986-71-7, Bambini – Gramata Publishing, 2015.
Fasy Sabbathina and Maria C. Winardi, Jangi and Janger, ISBN: 978-602-8986-72-4, Bambini – Gramata Publishing, 2015.
Emilia Nazir and Maria C. Winardi, The Fishermen’s Prize, ISBN: 978-602-18956-4-1, Win’s, 2014.
Maria C. Winardi, The Cocky Snail, ISBN: 978-602-18956-2-7, Win’s, 2013.
Maria C. Winardi, The Yellow Kite, ISBN: 978-602-18956-3-4, Win’s, 2013.